Fair Housing Center Logo.
A couple, sitting together on their front porch in the winter, their dog playing behind them.

Contact Us

Fair Housing Center of Southeast & Mid Michigan

Serving Clinton, Eaton, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Shiawassee, and Washtenaw Counties

P.O. Box 7825*
Ann Arbor, MI 48107
877-979-FAIR (3247)
Fax: 734-340-6598
info@fhcmichigan.org | complaints@fhcmichigan.org

*Intakes are conducted over the phone. You can begin by filling out the form below or using the contact information above. Our physical offices are located in Ypsilanti and Lansing, however, we do not take walk-in appointments.

Report an Incident

Please provide a brief description of the discriminatory activity or summary of the incident(s).

Our Staff

Executive DirectorPamela A. Kisch
Associate DirectorKristen Cuhran Fuller
Director of InvestigationsJessica Ortiz Farley
Investigations & Legal Research CoordinatorNiki Green
Intake & Administrative SpecialistMarnay Avant
Assistant Coordinator of InvestigationsLangley Allen
Fundraising & Communications CoordinatorAnna Blanchet
Staff AccountantKaren Hawver

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