Fair Housing Center Logo.
Two hands holding a house key.

Other Ways to Give

There are many ways to give to the Fair Housing Center of Southeast & Mid Michigan. If you have questions or need more information on any of the below options, please contact Kristen Cuhran Fuller at kcuhran@fhcmichigan.org.

Direct Gifts

You can give directly to the Fair Housing Center at any time. Your unrestricted donation to the FHC enables us to provide services year-round. You can donate online or via check payable to Fair Housing Center and sent to Fair Housing Center, PO BOX 7825, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. Our legal structure is a membership nonprofit; however, donations of any size are appreciated.

Membership Levels

Donor-Advised Funds

The FHC accepts gifts from DAFs (donor-advised funds).

Gifts of Stock

By donating shares of stock to the Fair Housing Center, you can receive a tax deduction of the full fair market value of your stock, in addition to a capital-gains tax exemption on shares that you’ve owned for at least one year.

Planned Giving

A bequest, or planned gift, is a gift from your estate—a transfer of cash, securities, or other property—made through your estate plan. You can make a planned gift to the Fair Housing Center by including language in your will or living trust that leaves a portion of your estate to the Fair Housing Center.

For more information about planned gifts, or to notify us of your bequest intention, please contact Kristen Cuhran Fuller at kcuhran@fhcmichigan.org.

Memorial Gifts

You can celebrate your loved ones by making a gift to the Fair Housing Center in their honor or memory. Whether you donate online or send us a check, you can designate your gift with the name of your honoree. At your request, we will communicate your honorarium to your honoree by letter. You can designate a gift online right now.

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts from your employer are a great way to double (or triple!) your donation to the Fair Housing Center. In most cases, you can submit a matching gift (generally provided by your employer), or a third-party conduit such as CyberGrants or YourCause. We are happy to help facilitate this.

Tax Deduction

The Fair Housing Center of Southeast & Mid Michigan is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Our tax ID is #38-3003761. 

Your Donation Funds

Host a Fundraiser

We would love to host an event at your home, work, or elsewhere to raise awareness and funds for our work for fair and equitable housing opportunities. Please contact Kristen Cuhran Fuller at kcuhran@fhcmichigan.org or call us at 1-877-979-FAIR with ideas or questions.

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